johanna oenicke
artist, painter and teacher
born in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin
about my work
Examination of pictorial spaces and reconstruction of special situations form the main focus of my work.
The paintings show everyday aspects of supposed idylls, the objects are places of calm and reflection. Nature serves as the projecting surface for primal human emotion and ambivalence.
What concerns me is a new interpretation of classical pictorial topics. The subjects are based upon photographs and patterns which are created for the films and the paintings. A simplified view of nature and of architecture is achieved. Apparently unspectacular locations become stage-like pictorial spaces. Changes of viewpoint for a subject will underline the scenographic aspect. Thus, the paintings become scenes for possible plots or actions.
professional experience
since 2008
art teacher of the upper secondary school at the beethoven gymnasium, berlin-lichterfelde
lecturer in art- and culture-history at best-sabel, academy for design, berlin
equipment and stagedesign for film- and tv-productions, polyphon, berlin
awards and fellowships
goldrausch-künstlerinnenprojekt art it, berlin
fellowship at hunter college, department of art, new york
studies in multimediadesign at cimdata berlin
mfa in the class of professor dieter hacker
art academy berlin (udk), fine arts